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Social and emotional development milestones Form: What You Should Know

Social and Emotional Development: Ages 8-10 · Become aware of your own unique feelings, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions · Become aware of other people's feelings, thoughts, and perceptions Social and Emotional Development: Ages 8-10 — Learning Curve — The Best Readings In Social & Emotional Development: Ages 8-10 — Child Development, Vol. 25, No. 2, Spring 2009 The following is from the book “Emotions: Their Origins and Meaning” by Judith Butler. It is a fascinating analysis of the origins of emotions. Judith Butler (2003) A simple and effective approach to explaining emotional experience (and being) using the theory of value, that is, what a subject means when using the words of a stimulus. The model assumes that language is, primarily, a means to an end, which is to communicate value to a subject. If you are trying to get through my article on child development by the use of language, I may have given way too much importance to the words that a certain baby speaks, or to a certain story the baby is hearing. These are aspects of the language that a child hears from experience during the first five years of life. But the theory of value gives us an understanding as to why a baby will not speak a particular word, because it may cause pain or embarrassment in a particular context; and why a baby will give the word a particular meaning. Emotions — The Origins of Feelings of the Mind By Judith Butler (2003) I think, that our understanding of the origins and meaning of emotions is shaped by the history of our own experiences of emotions in the last six thousand years. In this way the origins of emotion are a reflection not only of the psychological problems that have plagued us over the last hundred years, but also of our own experiences.  This is the second stage in our understanding of what emotions are about: understanding emotions as a process, and not as an end in themselves.  When we think about the origins of emotions, we find that our experience of emotions is rooted in our feelings of self. We experience emotions as a direct by-product of ourselves.  This way of seeing emotions may be useful, because it helps us understand the complexity of emotions.

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